The purpose for this Blog

Hello Reader,
My name is Faith Wahlers and I am writing this blog as a final project for a class I am taking, INLS 151. As you have probably already figured out, this blog is about Psychiatric Service Dogs and how they assist people suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). The resources available here are articles and links to articles about this subject matter.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Table of Contents

All Sources are listed under their tags in the top right hand side of the blog page
1. Concept Map
2. Encyclopedia Articles
3. Irrelevant Sources
4. Relevant Bibliography
5. Research Outline
6. Research Question and Statement
7. Title Page
8. Journal Entries

Below on the Blog Archive is a complete individual list of all postings.  Citation for photo is at the bottom of the blog.

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